Terms & Conditions
Live Reiki has taken every effort to provide useful and valuable information on this website for our clients. Please take a few moments to read through our Terms and Conditions of using our site or services.
Using this site or registering for any services from Live Reiki means you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Live Reiki reserves the right to make changes to our site, policies and Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.
The Website
Live Reiki is not in any way liable to you or any third party for any loss whatsoever associated with your use of this website.
Live Reiki makes no representations or warranties about the suitability, accuracy or currency of the contents of this website, lack of viruses or any other matter whatsoever with respect to this website or contents.
The website is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind. Live Reiki hereby disclaims all representations, warranties and other terms with regard to this website including all implied terms as to merchantability and fitness for purpose. Images are for demonstration purposes only and may not accurately reflect the actual product.
The content on livereiki.com.au is for the purpose of providing information and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Refund and Booking Policy
Reiki, Meditation, Teaching courses, Coaching or any special events we run are ways of healing and transforming our mind and body, they are not suitable healing methods for everyone and each person must take responsibility for their own health. The practitioners at Live Reiki will never diagnose or advise in any medical capacity. Live Reiki reserves the right to support based on our area of expertise only and reserves the right to refuse a client if we feel we are not the best place for them to receive treatment and support. Live Reiki has a duty of care and we will ensure while in our care you are in a safe and healing premises. If you have specific physical and/or mental health needs you should seek professional medical assistance for mind and body wellbeing.
All individual appointments, classes and courses and packages are non-transferable.
Treatments and services are available by appointment only and are scheduled at a date and time mutually agreed by both client and practitioner.
By registering for Reiki Treatments, Reiki Mentoring, Meditation, Cord Cutting and Coaching you agree that all medical and personal information provided to us are accurate and true.
Late Arrivals
Live Reiki understands there are circumstances where clients may be late for appointments. Due to the practitioner’s other bookings and commitments, a client that arrives late accepts their session may be shortened as a result of the delay of their late arrival. The full cost will still be payable.
All Reiki Treatments, Reiki Mentoring, Meditation, Cord Cutting and Coaching appointments require a minimum of 48 hours notice for cancellation. The cancellation will be added as credit to your account.
Appointments cancelled within 48 hours will be charged the full fee which is non-refundable or transferable. Prepaid appointments cancelled before the cancellation period will be credited in full to their account for future use.
Appointments are payable by credit card or bank transfer. Payments are to be made at the time of booking or 48 hours before your appointment unless specified otherwise.
Reiki Treatment
Live Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances, perform medical treatment, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. All treatments received from Live Reiki practitioners are not to be substituted for medical examination, diagnosis or treatment. Only licensed medical professionals are qualified to make any medical diagnosis or give treatment recommendations.
Live Reiki strongly recommends you:
- see a licensed health care professional for physical and psychological ailments
- consult a doctor before making changes to your existing medical care, medication or treatment
The effects of Reiki are unique for every client. Reiki will always work to serve the highest good of the client. As a result any desired outcomes may or may not result from a Reiki session.
Reiki will not interfere with the soul or process for any clients at the time of transitioning. Reiki usually will offer comfort and healing for all involved in the end of life experience, lending support within a space of love, calmness and peace.
Clients Responsibility
Clients agree to accept full responsibility that they solely are in charge of their life journey, life choices and transformations. They agree to take complete responsibility for their health and well-being and for the decisions that lead to necessary shifts in attitudes, nutrition and lifestyle.
Clients understand and agree that in order for healing to take place several treatment sessions may be necessary to support the healing process.
Clients are responsible for any decisions made including after any feedback, suggestions offered or recommended by Live Reiki practitioners. Clients understand that there are no guarantees for effectiveness or success.
Live Reiki is not responsible for decisions, actions, life choices or changes that the client makes based on the guidance and feedback received by Live Reiki practitioners.
Live Reiki Teaching Courses & Certification
Live Reiki is dedicated to teaching students in accordance with the fundamentals of the Usui System of Reiki. All Reiki teaching will be conducted in line with professional standards of instruction and in an appropriate environment.
Live Reiki reserves the right to remove a student from our online platform or not add a student to the teaching course.
Live Reiki reserves the right to not provide a certificate of completion of course to a student that has not paid for their course. Students that cannot complete the course level material required a certificate cannot be provided. Students that have acted inappropriately or unprofessionally during the course, at the Teaching Site, online or group social platforms may have their certification revoked.
The teachers of Live Reiki have a responsibility to teach in a professional environment for the comfort and safety of all students. Students are responsible to contribute to the course in a professional and appropriate manner.
Courses and Events
Your attendance is confirmed once full payment has been made. Live Reiki requiries all courses and events to be paid in full prior to the date. Refunds will be issued where an event or course has been cancelled by Live Reiki. Live Reiki will endeavour to move students that are unable to attend to the next available course date if there is one, up to 12 months. Live Reiki will need to be notified of your unavailability a minimum of 48 hours (2 days) prior to a course or event to avoid the course or event payment being forfeited.
All students booking for Riki 2 or 3A can only attend if their previous training was in person with a Reiki teacher that is a registered member of Australian Reiki Connection (ARC).
If you book and pay and it is discovered you have not met this criteria then you will be refunded the paid amount minus $100 administration fee. Proof of attendance of previous courses may be required.
All students that are invited to the Mastership level must have completed Reiki 3A with Live Reiki. This is a prerequisite even though students may have completed the teachers level with another registered teacher. This is to ensure the student is ready for Mastership and aligned with the fundamentals of the Usui System of Reiki.
For all appointments, classes, courses and events when a credit is applied, credit is valid according to the terms and conditions at the time of original booking.
Packages of any service are valid for 6 months unless stated otherwise.
Live Reiki practitioners are committed to providing quality services to our clients and students.The wellbeing of our clients and students is very important to us. Please contact us if you have any concerns by emailing us at livereiki11@gmail.com.
We will try to resolve the issue with you directly.
However if you are unhappy with our response you can contact
- Victorian Ombudsman
- Telephone: (03) 9613 6222
- Address: Level 2, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000
- Australian Reiki Connection
- Telephone: 1300 130 975
- Address: 185 PO Box 827 South Melbourne 3205