Reiki Level 1
Awaken Your Inner Healer
The first level of Reiki is traditionally known as Shoden, known as “Beginning Teachings”. This level is the gateway to awaken your awareness to cultivate your own energy to heal yourself.
Reiki is known for being a hands on healing technique that always starts with self. At this level you can offer healings to family & friends however the teaching is all about healing yourself.
There are no prerequisites for this course and you can attend this level even if you have never had a Reiki healing before. This course is suitable for adults and children over the age of 14 years (with parental consent). People are attracted to learn Reiki because they want to heal, shift, grow, shine and have greater love of life.
The first level of Reiki awakens your innate power to heal yourself. It is common for deep inner changes and personal transformation to be experienced during and after the course.
The course will cover:
- The history and lineage of this healing modality
- The five precepts of Reiki and how it works
- The nature of illness and how we can heal
- The flow of energy and the energy system
- Learning how to perform a Reiki healing on yourself, family, friends and pets
The course outline:
- An intimate group setting of no more than 6 students over a four week journey. This is to ensure students are fully supported with this self healing awakening.
- Two day in person theory & practical lessons over two consecutive Sundays both in week 1 and 2. Our lineage honours the traditional Reiki teaching and the attunements on both days must be in person.
- One hour group video calls both week 3 and 4 for support. This also a time to ask questions and share experiences over the month.
Completing Reiki 1 you will receive:
- Comprehensive Reiki training and support
- Reiki 1, Awaken Your Inner Healer Manual upon course completion
- Reiki 1 Certificate of Initiation upon course completion
- Discounted one on one healing for three months from the day the course commences
Some common benefits students experience:
- Feeling more grounded, calm and balanced
- Sense of peace, calmness and relaxation
- Reduced stress levels and anxiety
- Relief of pain
- Release of stagnant energy
- Easing of depression and insomnia
- Help with dissolving fear
- Increase in clarity and connection to your feelings
- Greater sense of connection to self, nature, life and purpose
- Deeper level of self-acceptance
- Increase in self worth and love
Course Investment
- Duration: Two day in person course and four week support
- Investment: $484
- Deposit: $100.00 to reserve at time of booking. Course fee or deposit is transferable in special circumstances.
Course Dates / Location
- Date: Sunday 5th &12th May 2024.
- To secure your spot Book Here.
- Feel free to contact me if you have questions livereiki11@gmail.com
- Location: Pascoe Vale

Reiki Level 2
Awaken Your Wisdom
The second level of Reiki is traditionally known as Okuden, known as “Inner Teachings”. This level awakens Reiki on a deeper level. It will qualify you as a Professional Practitioner should you choose. You will learn the distant healing methods.
At this level you will continue your training and deepen your connection to Reiki by being attuned to use the sacred Reiki symbols. You will learn the first three symbols. They are very sacred powerful tools to connect you more deeply to Reiki.
When you use the symbols during your treatments a greater level of healing takes place in you and in those you are treating. The symbols are also used for treating others from a distance.
This level will develop a greater connection to your higher wisdom. Your energy vibration and intuition will rise. This course is suitable if you want to deepen your Reiki practice and or practice professionally. The prerequisite for this level is that you completed Reiki Level 1 with Live Reiki or another teacher in person.
The course will cover:
- Introduction to the three sacred power symbols
- Learning to perform distant healings
- How to conduct a professional Reiki treatment
- How to clear and charge your home, spaces and objects with Reiki energy
- How to tune into your telepathy gifts
The course outline:
- An intimate group setting of maximum 6 students over a four week journey. This is to ensure students are fully supported with this self healing awakening.
- Two day in person theory & practical lessons over two consecutive Sundays both in week 1 and 2. Our lineage honours the traditional Reiki teaching and the attunements must be in person.
- One hour group video calls both week 3 and 4 for support. This also a time to ask questions and share experiences over the month.
Completing Reiki 2 you will receive:
- Comprehensive Reiki training and support
- Reiki 2, Awaken Your Wisdom Manual upon course completion
- Reiki 2 Certificate of Initiation upon course completion
- Three sacred Reiki power symbols to use in your daily life & healing sessions
- Information how to conduct a professional Reiki session to be an ethical & qualified Practitioner
- Discounted one on one healing for three months from the day the course commences
Some common benefits students experience:
- Stronger connection to Reiki on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level
- Deeper and more powerful Reiki experiences using sacred symbols
- Greater sense of confidence and ability to feel truth on a deeper level
- Reduced fear and anxiety
- Shifts in mental and emotional blocks
- Feeling lighter and and at peace
- Raise your vibration, develop and trust your intuition
- Increase self confidence, courage and trust
- Increased clarity around their life direction
- Deeper communion of the logical mind and intuition
- Ability to practice Reiki professionally if chosen
- Ability to give distant healing for people unable to be physically present
Course Investment
- Duration: Two day in person course and four week support
- Investment: $489
- Deposit: $100.00 to reserve at time of booking. Course fee or deposit is transferable in special circumstances.
Course Dates / Location
- Date: Sunday 11th & 18th August 2024.
- To secure your spot Book Here
- Feel free to contact me if you have questions livereiki11@gmail.com
- Location: Pascoe Vale

Reiki Level 3A
Awaken Your Unconditional Love
The Reiki 3A course continues from level 2 leading to greater self discovery, acceptance and embodiment. This level heightens your healing ability to heal yourself and others. This level provides greater insight into the next level to become a Reiki Master.
In Reiki 3A you will be introduced and work with another two sacred Reiki symbols. These symbols further heighten your healing abilities across physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. You will learn the principles and responsibilities of a master healer. This level will prepare and give you a taste of the Reiki Mastership journey.
You will deepen your connection to your true self and awaken unconditional love by embarking on claiming your shadow gold. You will trust and connect more to your inner wisdom by expanding your healing consciousness.
This level will assist to embody light and shadow to anchor to the sacred neutral with greater ease. Once again your energy vibration and intuition will rise with a powerful attunement.
This course is suitable to continue deepening your connection to self, claiming your shadow, applying a deeper practice professionally or you are considering embarking on the Reiki Mastership journey. The Reiki 3A Course is accredited by the Australian Reiki Connection.
The prerequisite for this level is that you completed Reiki Level 1, and 2 with Live Reiki or another teacher in person. The Reiki 2 level was completed more than six months ago.
The course will cover:
- Revision and linking the learning principles from Level 1 and 2
- Level 3A sacred power symbols to heighten your healing energy abilities across the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels
- Embodying your shadow gold to connect to your true self and awaken unconditional love
- Empowering discovery processes to work with your shadow energy to anchor to sacred neutral
- Techniques, roles & responsibilities of a master healer
- Preparation for Reiki Mastership Level if you wish to continue
The course outline:
- An intimate group setting of maximum 6 students over a four week journey. This is to ensure students are fully supported with this self healing awakening.
- Two day in person theory & practical lessons over two consecutive Sundays both in week 1 and 3 over the four week journey. Our lineage honours the traditional Reiki teaching and the attunement must be in person.
- One hour group video calls both week 2 and 4 for support. This also a time to ask questions and share experiences over the month.
- One Hour 1:1 healing after course completion (to be booked within 2 months)
Completing Reiki 3A you will receive:
- Comprehensive Reiki training and support
- Reiki 3A, Awaken Your Unconditional Love manual upon completion
- Reiki 3A Certificate of Initiation upon course completion
- Two sacred Reiki power symbols to use in your daily life & healing sessions
- Powerful attunement to raise your vibration & healing consciousness
- Discounted one on one healing for three months from the day the course commences
Some common benefits students experience:
- Deeper self acceptance and greater self love
- More compassion and less judgement for others and yourself
- Greater confidence & trust in self, life and purpose
- Claiming and loving their light & shadow
- Deeper connection and trust to self-Reiki and professional practice
- More effective and deeper treatments when sharing Reiki with others
- Greater balance mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually
- Heightened confidence in their professional practice
- Greater presence and authenticity
- Ability to arrive at the sacred neutral easefully
- Increased intuition and clarity from Soul level
- Introduction to the Mastership journey
Course Investment
- Duration: Two day in person course and four week support. 1:1 One Hour healing post course completion.
- Investment: $679
- Deposit: $100.00 to reserve at time of booking. Course fee or deposit is transferable in special circumstances.
Course Dates / Location
- Date: Sunday 3rd & 17th March 2024.
- To secure your spot Book Here
- Feel free to contact me if you have questions livereiki11@gmail.com
- Location: Pascoe Vale

Reiki Master Level
Master Your Essence
The Reiki Master level is traditionally known as Shinpiden, known as “Mystery Teachings”. This level is all about you mastering your true essence and life by embodying and integrating with Reiki.
You will be introduced and work with seventeen sacred symbols and embody each one during the mastership course. This is a profound journey that requires commitment to embody the teachings, let go of the ego to come into harmony with your essence and truth.
This level deepens your connection to yourself and every connection in your life. What you receive from this level is driven by your commitment in practising, embodying and working with what is needed for your highest best to come home to your essence. There is no journey like the one when you come back to yourself.
Your life, world and perception will deeply change through this intimate and sacred process with your ownership of your personal healing journey. This level will increase your self-awareness, presence, compassion, trust and love for yourself first.
Completing this course is the level required to be initiated as a certified Reiki Master Teacher, should you choose to teach all levels of Reiki. This sacred and intimate process holds space for your highest best to master your true essence. It is important to connect with the right Reiki Master Teacher for you.
The prerequisite for this level is completion of Reiki Level 3A with Live Reiki or another Reiki Master Teacher from my lineage.
The course will cover:
- Revision of Level 1, 2 and 3A
- Opportunity to assist teaching Reiki 1, 2 and 3A
- Seventeen sacred power symbols to embody your healing abilities across the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels
- Guidance on how to write your own meditation, training manuals and processes to honour the lineage and your own lineage and gifts.
- Tailored teaching to support groups transformation and growth.
- Teaching method through combination of experience, personal wisdom and theory.
- Learning to facilitate Reiki teaching levels and attunements
- Holding space and support when teaching
- Roles & responsibilities of a Reiki Master Teacher
- Support and mentoring for your growth and your business should you choose to commence one in this work
The course outline:
- An intimate group setting of maximum 4 students over a fifteen month journey.
- 15 month journey
- Opening in person ceremony half a day
- Monthly one hour one on one healing or mentoring session
- Monthly Teaching call with group
- Monthly Reiki swap and healing
- Closing ceremony over a weekend. Our lineage honours the traditional Reiki teaching and the attunement must be in person.
- Group chat opened for the duration of the course for sharing experiences, witnessing, support and questions.
Completing Reiki Master Level you will receive:
- Comprehensive Master Reiki training and support and materials
- Reiki Master Teacher Degree Certificate upon course completion
- Additional seventeen sacred Reiki power symbols to use in your daily life & learning them through experience, wisdom and intuition
- Powerful attunement to raise your vibration, consciousness
- Discounted one on one healing for three months from the day the course commences
Some common benefits students experience:
- Major life changes for your highest best your view on the world and yourself will change
- Deeper self acceptance, love and compassion for yourself and all living things
- Greater trust and presence in timing and purpose
- Heightened connection to Reiki practices with daily practices
- Deeper connections with relationships
- Greater feelings of being grounded and awareness of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self
- Transitions and releasing are easeful and joyful
- Greater understanding of yourself, life and purpose
Course Details
- Duration: 15 month journey
- Course Date: Please contact me livereiki11@gmail.com to register your interest.